Johanna Evans, "Attempt at Enclosure"


HD Video
2 Minutes 51 Seconds

The video is shot in real time, with no post production. It is part performative, part self portrait and part documentation. In this video Attempt at Enclosure I am trying to surround myself and my camera with a very large piece of mylar. Mylar features strongly in my work - and is the main player in this piece. I’m obsessed with it - it’s reflective, distortive, shimmery, noisy and then calm qualities for me echo the act of art making itself. In my videos I set out to, in effect, “control” this material (always to little or no effect). It has it’s own ideas. There is a futile humor to the piece, as I keep trying to attain my will over the mylar (life/art?).

Experimentation, process, and perception are my core areas of interest. I use  photography, film, video and collage to explore place and space, internal/external,  reflection/transparency, otherworldly/earthly, analog/digital. I’m interested in the interplay  between the these seemingly disparate notions. What can happen in the middle? I’m  curious about this back and forth, the symbiotic yet oppositional relationship between  two differing realms. I strive to understand and make sense of it by making work. I’m  fascinated by the artifacts that are exposed/revealed/left behind by the process. I look  for the magic that happens in the making.

Johanna Evans is a multi-disciplinary artist and art educator living and working with her  three daughters in Brooklyn, NY. She holds an MFA from the School of Visual Arts and a BFA from Massachusetts College of Art and Design. Johanna has exhibited throughout the United States and internationally. Johanna has an upcoming  exhibit at WIRWIR Project Space in Berlin in September, in conjunction with an Artist  Residency program she participated in at PICTURE BERLIN. Her work is held in private  collections in the US and abroad.

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HD Video
2 Minutes 51 Seconds

The video is shot in real time, with no post production. It is part performative, part self portrait and part documentation. In this video Attempt at Enclosure I am trying to surround myself and my camera with a very large piece of mylar. Mylar features strongly in my work - and is the main player in this piece. I’m obsessed with it - it’s reflective, distortive, shimmery, noisy and then calm qualities for me echo the act of art making itself. In my videos I set out to, in effect, “control” this material (always to little or no effect). It has it’s own ideas. There is a futile humor to the piece, as I keep trying to attain my will over the mylar (life/art?).

Experimentation, process, and perception are my core areas of interest. I use  photography, film, video and collage to explore place and space, internal/external,  reflection/transparency, otherworldly/earthly, analog/digital. I’m interested in the interplay  between the these seemingly disparate notions. What can happen in the middle? I’m  curious about this back and forth, the symbiotic yet oppositional relationship between  two differing realms. I strive to understand and make sense of it by making work. I’m  fascinated by the artifacts that are exposed/revealed/left behind by the process. I look  for the magic that happens in the making.

Johanna Evans is a multi-disciplinary artist and art educator living and working with her  three daughters in Brooklyn, NY. She holds an MFA from the School of Visual Arts and a BFA from Massachusetts College of Art and Design. Johanna has exhibited throughout the United States and internationally. Johanna has an upcoming  exhibit at WIRWIR Project Space in Berlin in September, in conjunction with an Artist  Residency program she participated in at PICTURE BERLIN. Her work is held in private  collections in the US and abroad.

HD Video
2 Minutes 51 Seconds

The video is shot in real time, with no post production. It is part performative, part self portrait and part documentation. In this video Attempt at Enclosure I am trying to surround myself and my camera with a very large piece of mylar. Mylar features strongly in my work - and is the main player in this piece. I’m obsessed with it - it’s reflective, distortive, shimmery, noisy and then calm qualities for me echo the act of art making itself. In my videos I set out to, in effect, “control” this material (always to little or no effect). It has it’s own ideas. There is a futile humor to the piece, as I keep trying to attain my will over the mylar (life/art?).

Experimentation, process, and perception are my core areas of interest. I use  photography, film, video and collage to explore place and space, internal/external,  reflection/transparency, otherworldly/earthly, analog/digital. I’m interested in the interplay  between the these seemingly disparate notions. What can happen in the middle? I’m  curious about this back and forth, the symbiotic yet oppositional relationship between  two differing realms. I strive to understand and make sense of it by making work. I’m  fascinated by the artifacts that are exposed/revealed/left behind by the process. I look  for the magic that happens in the making.

Johanna Evans is a multi-disciplinary artist and art educator living and working with her  three daughters in Brooklyn, NY. She holds an MFA from the School of Visual Arts and a BFA from Massachusetts College of Art and Design. Johanna has exhibited throughout the United States and internationally. Johanna has an upcoming  exhibit at WIRWIR Project Space in Berlin in September, in conjunction with an Artist  Residency program she participated in at PICTURE BERLIN. Her work is held in private  collections in the US and abroad.