Painting at Night
An Exhibition by Caregivers

September 3 - October 12, 2024

FRI Sept. 13: 6 to 9 PM

Reception, in conjunction with Pop-Up Beer Garden

SAT Sept. 14: 10 AM

Painting at Night panel discussion moderated by Kaylan Buteyn, host of Artist/Mother Podcast

FRI Sept. 27: 7 PM

Excerpts from Michael & Steve Talk About the End of Life as They Knew It, a play by Michael Kennedy & Steve Swartz

SAT Sept. 28: 1 PM

All Ages Kids Art Workshop led by Russell Sage College MAT Art Education students. Free but must be registered to attend. Register in advance at

FRI Oct. 4 FIRST FRIDAY: 6 to 7 PM

Music from Allen & Azzaam. Co-sponsored by the Music Performance Trust Fund, arranged by Albany Musicians Association.

In collaboration with Collar Works and Artist/Mother Podcast, we are pleased to present the 4th Painting at Night open-call exhibition featuring 38 caregiver artists from around the world. Curated by Sean Desiree & Alisa Sikelianos-Carter.

As parents and caregivers, we view the world through a unique lens that profoundly influences our work and perspectives. Parenthood adds a significant layer to our considerations, bringing forth universal experiences and connections related to being parented or parenting. The act of caregiving is crucial to our survival, embodying a vulnerability that requires us to open up to others' needs while navigating complex dynamics. This process fosters a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us.

In selecting the artworks for this show, we adopted a broad perspective to capture the myriad ways people care for others. We chose works spanning all stages of artists' careers, emphasizing that external success does not define the quality or significance of their work. The selected pieces exemplify themes such as humor, talismanic elements, domesticity, materials, systems, and self-awareness. Despite their diversity, these works share a common thread of resilience, transcendence, and a moment of arrival, highlighting the strength and growth inherent in the caregiving experience.

Our focus was on the meaning and emotional depth of the works, acknowledging that caregiving responsibilities can limit the attention one can devote to a career. Importantly, being a caregiver does not dictate that an artist's work must center it; rather, the experience subtly informs and enriches their creations, whether overtly visible or not. This exhibition celebrates the profound impact of caregiving on artistic expression.

—Sean Desiree and Alisa Sikelianos-Carter, curators

Participating Artists:
Joey Barrett, Rachelle Beaudoin, Renée Bouchard, Emeline Brulé, Serena Buschi, Nyasha Chigama, Monique Crabb, Kaitlyn Danielson, Brett Davis with Sayaka Saito Davis & Toko Davis, Justine Di Fiore, Johanna Evans, Emily Gherard, Raul Gonzalez, Shanti Grumbine, Jodi Hays, Ming Ying Hong, Will Hutnick, Michael Kennedy & Steve Swartz, Nosheen Iqbal, Eirini Linardaki, Jo Lobdell, Katrina Majkut, Jillian McDonald, K'era Morgan, Alyssa Sakina Mumtaz, Bosede Opetubo, Francena Ottley, Jeanna Penn, Padma Rajendran, Florencia Rothschild, kaory santillán bueno, Terina Sciarrotta, Helen Stotesworthy, Victoria van der Laan, Melissa Wang, Xin Xin

This exhibition is a collaboration between Opalka Gallery, Collar Works, and Artist/Mother Podcast.

Partial support for this exhibition from an Arts Thrive and Grow grant. Arts Thrive and Grow has been funded by New York State, Kathy Hochul, Governor. We thank Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart Cousins for her extraordinary commitment and leadership, and our elected officials who represent our grantmaking region: Senators Jake Ashby and Neil D. Breslin; Assemblymembers Scott H. Bendett, Patricia Fahy, John T. McDonald III, Angelo Santabarbara, Phil Steck, and Mary Beth Walsh.