Material Witness: The Object of Photography
Curated by Justin Baker, Bill Jaeger, Rob O’Neil

March 31 – April 29, 2017

Participating Artists:
Sarah Comfort, Scott Nelson Foster, Matt Frieburghous, Danny Goodwin, Robert Hite, Nichola Kinch, Ellie Krakow, Anna Yeroshenko, New York State Mesonet

Pushed from one side by social media and phone imagery and on the other side by artists who reject straight photography outright, the currents of photography today are more muddied—and more amazing—than ever before. Breaking from the tradition of photography as a passive truth machine, the lens and the film uncompromised, these artists instead let the idea and the image cultivate over time in the studio and beyond.

Collar Works Gallery is pleased to present Material Witness: The object of photography, an exhibition of artists who exemplify the shifting ground under what we now call photography.  Exhibiting artists include: Sarah Comfort, Scott Nelson Foster, Matt Frieburghaus, Danny Goodwin, Robert Hite, Nichola Kinch, Ellie Krakow, Anna Yeroshenko and New York State Mesonet.  Co-curated by Justin Baker, Bill Jaeger, and Rob O'Neil.


Collar Works: Solid Future and New Exhibit! The Alt. W.B Belcher. April 2017

Photo exhibit focusing on the Medium: pushing the digital boundaries at Collar Works. Times Union. Tim Kane. April 2017